Common Questions
What can I do about my back pain?
What can I do about my neck pain?
When should I see a specialist about my back?
If first line treatments do not appear to be settling the pain it is important to get a specialist opinion. It is important to make sure nothing serious is causing the pain and get reassurance that you are doing the correct things. Any symptoms that are red flag symptoms require an urgent opinion and some require you to go straight to A&E (please go to section on urgent spinal conditions for more information).
Back pain lasting more than six weeks should lead to a consultation.
Can I have an MRI?
How much does the consultation and surgery cost?
This depends upon the exact procedure, the hospital and any extras such as implants. The cost of running a medical practice has increased significantly year on year, particularly medical indemnity costs. Unfortunately medical insurance companies have not matched this increase in their reimbursement to surgeons and anaesthetists to allow for this. Therefore there may be a short fall between what the patient can claim from his medical insurance and the surgeons and anaesthetists fees, and this is the patient's responsibility.
Our office will provide a detailed quote on request.
What are the most common insurers we work with?
These are AVIVA, AXA, BUPA, CIGNA, CS Healthcare, Exeter Family Friendly, Police Healthcare Scheme, Vitality Health and WPA.