Investigation of Taper Failure in a Contemporary Metal-on-Metal Hip Arthroplasty System Through Examination of Unused and Explanted Prosthesis Langdon D, Ahmed I, Avery P, Bone M, Cooke N, Deehan D, Duffy D, Foguet P et al – J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 Mar 1; 99 (5): 427-36
MiniHip arthroplasty: A review of clinical outcomes at a UK centre Goswami K, Howard D, Harvey K, Masters J, Hill C, King R, Cronin M, Prakash U, Krikler SJ, Foguet P – Hip International, Sep 16, Vol.26. Suppl 2.
The Promising Role of Dynamic 18F-NaF PET-CT in Diagnosing Symptomatic Joint Prosthetis Adesanya O, Foguet P, Hutchinson C – Integrative Biomed Sci, 1(2): 64-69 (2015) doi: 10.18314/gjbs.v1i2.40
Does intraoperative tissue sample enrichment help or hinder the identification of microorganisms in prosthetic joint infection? Jordan RW, Saithna A, Smith NA, Norris RJ, Sprowson AP, Foguet P – Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2015 May (4) 731-36
La premiere experience des PTH avec la tigne courte Profemur Preserve et col modulaire chez les patients jeunes et actifs Pardubsky R, Sprowson A, Sarantos K, Foguet P – Revue de Chirurgie Orthopedique et Traumatologique. Vol 100- No75. P. S285. Nov 2014
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